Our Brand
Brandyn Ross is a young entrepreneur, born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and attends a leading charter school in the city. Kevin and Brandi Ross are the supportive parents of this young professional and with the help of their church family, they have embarked on the beginning of a major brand.
The Ross family attends the New Covenant Church of Philadelphia. There, the elders recognized Brandyn’s gifts and took him under their wings. Under the tutelage of Bishop Grannum, Pastor Barlow (Live on Purpose Program), and Pastor Oliver, Brandyn can add the choir, Bishop’s assistant, usher and kidpreneur to his growing portfolio. In fact, when he was only 9 years old, his bishop encouraged him to develop a business based on something he loved. Hence, “Brandyn’s Basketball Bracelets” was brought to fruition.
His "Momager" Brandi added, “Your business must have a purpose son”. Together they decided to use the proceeds to buy books for children across Philadelphia. Brandyn is a reader and realized that there were never any books for kids in barber shops, salons and other businesses where kids spent time. Actually, it was in the barber’s chair that 11-year-old Brandyn embarked on a new idea. “Studying Never Stops” he said, when a patron noticed that he was always reading a book. He and his mom thought it was catchy and put it on a t-shirt.
At 13 years of age, Brandyn’s business ideas have exploded. His apparel and bracelets have been spotted across the city of Philadelphia and STUDYING NEVER STOPS is growing by leaps and bounds. Family and friends have coined him the “Prince of Pop Up Shops”. Brandyn has made appearances at cafes, schools, marketplaces, breweries, malls, pop up shops and more. Stay tuned for what this young leader will do as his business reaches new heights....